Blueberry OG “CBD” Medicinal Flower


Joint’s Blueberry OG “CBD” Medicinal Flower by the ounce

100% Organically Grown in Living Soil, using Reverse Osmosis Water, & absolutely NO Toxic Pesticides/Chemicals of any kind.
Much love & care is dedicated to producing the cleanest/safest medicinal flower possible!

Lineage: DJ Short’s Blueberry x HSO OG Kush

Strain Type: Indica Dom

Flavors/Aromas: Intense Blueberry, OG Pine, Musky, Earthy, Skunky, Menthol, Floral.

Effects/High: Although this is an Indica Dom, I classify this as more of an all day type of medicine. Pretty much flows with whatever type of mood you are in. If you have stuff to do, it’ll give you the energy and focus to complete your tasks. If you are tired and ready for bed, this will ensure you have a great night of sleep leaving you feeling refreshed when you wake up in the morning.

I originally created this Blueberry OG myself, from scratch, in 2013. It was one of my first creations and is the father of my Joint’s Blueberry line. I made this by combining the infamous DJ Short’s Blueberry, with HSO’s (Humbolt Seed Organization) OG Kush. HSO was a popular and respected seed company from the early 2,000s and the first place I ever purchased seeds from. Back then, you ordered your seeds online from their website and prayed they made it to you. It usually took about 6 months before they made it to you, (if they made it at all lol). Back then customs would seize your seed packages and then send you a letter in the mail informing you your package was seized. Anywho.. This creation is what sparked my passion for learning to breed and creating my own seeds. I love this line. It reeks of intense Blueberry and Gas terps. Covered in sandy trichomes and provides a nice mellow high that allows you to indulge at any time of the day. This is also the mother of a couple of my most recent creations like Gangsta Grape and Violet Beauregard.

Apology & Side Note: I have unfortunately had to increase the price due to the ever increasing costs of grow supplies & inflation, and I am truly sorry for that.

5 in stock

Blueberry OG “CBD” Medicinal Flower


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